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时间:2023-11-24    点击数:

讲座题目: AI Adoption and Access to Healthcare Resources – Evidence from Mental Health Therapies(人工智能的采用如何影响医疗资源的获取——来自心理健康疗法的证据)

主讲人: 倪剑 教授 美国弗吉尼亚理工大学





We examine the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) integration into telemedicine platforms on health services, with a particular emphasis on the implications for healthcare equity. As telemedicine advances, it has become a critical conduit for delivering mental health services, especially in areas where traditional healthcare is not readily accessible. The deployment of AI tools on these platforms, intended to enhance patient experience in selecting therapists, has potentially contributed to a rise in service costs. By analyzing a substantial dataset, which includes over 140,000 therapists' profiles, we investigate the consequences of AI utilization on healthcare service pricing and explore the nuanced heterogeneous effects of AI adoption through the causal forest technique. Findings suggest a significant inflation in therapy prices following AI adoption, with a more pronounced effect in counties with lower median incomes. This highlights the paradoxical role of AI in potentially widening healthcare disparities. The study underscores the need for careful policy considerations to harness AI's benefits in teletherapy while mitigating its adverse economic impacts on healthcare accessibility.

我们研究了将人工智能(AI)融入远程医疗平台对医疗服务的影响,特别强调了对医疗公平的影响。随着远程医疗的发展,它已成为提供心理健康服务的一个重要渠道,尤其是在传统医疗服务难以达到的地区。在这些平台上部署人工智能工具,旨在提高患者在选择治疗师时的体验,但却有可能导致服务成本上升。通过分析一个包括140,000 多名治疗师档案在内的数据集,我们研究了人工智能的使用对医疗服务定价的影响,并通过因果森林技术探讨了采用人工智能的细微异质性影响。研究结果表明,采用人工智能后,治疗价格大幅上涨。在收入中位数较低的地区,这种影响更为明显。这凸显了人工智能在可能扩大医疗差距方面的矛盾作用。这项研究强调,利用人工智能在远程治疗方面的优势的同时,还需要谨慎考虑政策问题,以减轻其对医疗保健可及性的不利经济影响。


倪剑博士,美国弗吉尼亚理工大学庞普林商学院教授。倪博士获得美国卡耐基梅隆大学商学博士学位,博士辅修机器学习。倪博士的研究兴趣主要集中在大数据分析、营销分析与应用机器学习等领域的研究,成果发表于Management Science,Marketing Science,Production and Operations Management,Harvard Business Review等国外权威期刊。他目前担任Marketing Science编委、Quarterly Journal of Economics and Management副主编,担任Management Science、Marketing Science、Journal of Marketing Research、Journal of Business Ethics、管理世界等多个学术期刊的匿名审稿人,获得Marketing Science Institute (MSI) Scholar、中国高校市场营销协会会议最佳论文奖、教学创新奖等荣誉。